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The Three Phases Of Branding

April 26, 2023

I had an engaging conversation today with my neighbor, a fellow entrepreneur in the fashion industry, as we watched our dogs play together in the park. Our short but deep discussions always revolve around the life of an entrepreneur, and today was no exception.

He shared that his company, now two years old, was in the early stages of their first rebrand. Intrigued, I outlined my thoughts on how startups should navigate their brand identity through three distinct phases within their first few years.

Phase One: MVB - The "Minimum Viable Brand"

During the pre-launch or early-launch stage, many founders design brand identities that mirror their personal tastes. While it's essential to align with your target market, avoid adopting a brand image that's too provocative or off-putting.

Instead, opt for neutral colors, simple imagery, a logotype instead of a logo, and straightforward language. Focus more on the problem you're solving and your solution. There's no need to invest more than $1K-$3K in a logo, color palette, and early landing page. AI tools and platforms like Fiverr make this easier and cheaper than ever.

While this initial brand should be crafted quickly, it must still look professional. This neutral, "vanilla" approach reduces the risk of losing early customers due to misaligned branding, which is one of the biggest mistakes that pre-launch founders make with their brand identity.

Phase Two: BMF - Achieving "Brand-Market-Fit"

Once you’ve reached a dozen happy customers, it's time to dive deeper. Interview these customers to understand the ideal look and feel that resonates with them. Consider the psychology of colors, fonts, and language to create a brand that reflects their needs and preferences.

For this stage, hiring an experienced brand designer or a small agency is advisable, with a budget of $10K-$30K. This investment should cover a complete brand identity, including logo design, typography, iconography, and brand guidelines. If you're looking to build a more robust website to give your branding a new home, consider allocating up to $50K.

Phase Three: Growth - Let Your Brand Blossom

As your startup reaches significant milestones - $500K in annual recurring revenue, 100+ customers, and organic growth - it's a good time to level up your brand again. This stage calls for a six-figure rebrand or "facelift" that encompasses animations, promotional materials, podcasts, content development, and event hosting.

Invest in in-depth focus groups, market research, and advertising campaigns to develop the right identity and effectively share it with the world. By engaging with your 100+ customers, you'll better understand how to connect with your audience through colors, imagery, audio, and copywriting.

The evolution of your startup's brand is a journey that adapts to the changing landscape and your target audience's needs. Embrace each stage with enthusiasm and openness to change, and watch as your brand evolves from vanilla to vibrant.

As my neighbor and I continued to chat, our dogs happily playing around us, I couldn't help but think how these casual encounters often spark valuable insights and connections. I hope today’s was valuable for you!

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